The mission of Hewlett House is to support cancer patients at every stage of treatment. We’re a community resource center that provides all services without charge.
We pride ourselves on providing patrons with the highest-quality information and guiding them throughout their battle with cancer. Every patron is treated like family and given full access to educational materials, 24/7 peer-to-peer support systems, and a network of cancer survivors and doctors.
Every patron has access to:
A network of cancer
survivors and their families,
who are ready to guide
patrons from diagnosis to
Our network helps support
cancer victims through the
ups and downs of their
Access to peer-reviewed
doctors, oncologists,
specialists, and everything
in between.
We also provide free access
to psychologists and
counselors, which are
available too all patrons
upon request.
Educational materials and
research on different
Our fundraisers also
support ongoing research
projects that all cancer
patients, across the US and
around the world, benefit